Diet Plan #1
Here is a completely vegetarian diet plan for people who wish to gain muscle without sacrificing their vegetarianism. It is a very common belief that muscle mass can be built only with the inclusion of meat in the diet. However, this is not true. A vegetarian diet can also prove beneficial for the same. A typical vegetarian bodybuilding diet plan is given below.
Breakfast | Snack | Lunch | Snack | Dinner | Dessert |
7:30 am | 9:30 am | 12:30 pm | 03:00 pm | 07:00 pm | 07:30 pm |
Diet Plan #2
This diet plan is formulated for people who need an intake of 3700 calories per day. It is a non-vegetarian diet plan with eight meals distributed throughout a day. This diet plan includes -
Breakfast | Protein Shake | Lunch | Protein Shake | Dinner | Protein Shake | Snack | Small Meal |
7:30 am | 10:00 am | 12:30 pm | 03:00 pm | 05:30 pm | 08:00 pm | 09:00 pm | 10:30 pm |
Diet Plan #3
This diet plan is meant for people who want to gain muscle mass without adding significant amount of fatty substances in the diet.
Breakfast | Snack 1 | Snack 2 | Post Workout Lunch | Dinner | Protein Shake |
08:00 am | 11:00 am | 01:00 pm | 03:00 pm | 06:00 pm | 09:00 pm |
Diet plans given above can prove really beneficial in providing you the right amount of calories for bodybuilding. It is essential to follow a bodybuilding diet plan without fail in any workout regimen. The basic of any diet plan is intake of small yet regular meals instead of few large meals. It is also important to monitor the fat content in your diet. Little fat is all right, but high fat content should be avoided. Hope this article has helped you out and if you have decided on your diet plan, go ahead and build a great body!