Thoughts on Organic Gardening

Posted by Sasha Kirey On 3:14 PM
The definition of growing food and gardening organically will vary among individuals. Some people think of the approach of growing organically to be associated with hippies or that it is merely a fad that will soon end. Whatever various idea individuals have about an organic approach to gardening the fact is that in order to be considered an organic gardener the only types of fertilizers that that individual ever uses are either animal or vegetable, never do they use a fertilizer that is synthetic. Organic gardeners only use substances that are natural and the insects that they use to repel pests are beneficial.

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This is just a very small part of what organic growing is all about, it not all about what types of products are used. Organic growing is also a type of philosophy that focuses on increases the soil's overall natural health. This means that individuals will only choose items that work best with their environment and the type of soil that they are working with.

Gardening in a chemical free environment in not just a fad, in fact gardening this way has been around ever since the ancient times. Chemically based fertilizers were not even created until the 1840s. For a long time gardening with chemicals has been incredibly popular, but now more and more individuals are paying attention to what they are putting into their bodies and into the earth which causes them to choose organic fertilizers instead of harsh chemicals. When chemicals are used in the gardening process a lot of unnecessary items get killed which disturbs the delicate balance of Mother Nature. In order to rectify this, individuals just end up using even more chemicals which harm the earth even more.

Some organic gardeners may even decide that they want to raise their own beneficial bugs to use in their garden, but if not they can search for other organic minded individuals who provide others with these types of bugs.

In the beginning organic gardening maybe difficult especially if the ground is packed down, this will make it extremely hard to aerate. Once the process has been used for a while individuals will notice that they are building up their soil just by using all natural items. Individuals who do not garden organically might be surprised to see the differences between a garden in which chemicals were used on and one that is chemical free.

Individuals who are interested in using an organic approach to their gardening can find a lot of information and helpful tips on how to begin this process by viewing various websites on the internet or by checking out books on this subject in their neighborhood library.