How to Remove Garden Pest by Hand

Posted by Sasha Kirey On 4:37 PM
This is the most basic method of pest control and can be rather tedious work, however it is also extremely satisfying - some even say addictive. Picking off pests, such as caterpillars, by hand (if you are squeamish, wear thin gloves for this operation). Don't just throw them away in a corner of the garden, as they¡¯ll simply return. They must be destroyed, for effective control. You will need to repeal the procedure al intervals of one or two weeks, until there are no signs of further infestation.

An effective way of dealing with slugs and snails is to go out with a torch and a bucket of soapy water at night, pick off the slugs and snails then drop them in the bucket. This, however, is not a job for the hunt-hearted. If you want to give slugs and snails a happy death, place bowls of beer stuck into the ground among your flowerbeds.

Sticky insect traps have been used in greenhouses for a hundred years or so and work just as well today. Position the traps very close to the plants under attack and brush the plants to encourage the insects to leave them.

Set earwig traps by filling a flowerpot with straw or crumpled newspaper, then placing it upside down on a cane in the flowerbed. Check it daily and remove and destroy any earwigs you find.

You can wash aphids off plants with repealed sprayings of soapy water but remember that birds, hoverflies and ladybirds adore eating them. In fact one ladybird can apparently dispose of a massive 500 aphid larva and 5000 adults during its lifetime.

To find a garden pest removal company in the UK, or to obtain home and garden and pest control products in the UK, go to - Construction and Home and Garden Products directory of London, Manchester, Liverpool, and the entire mainland UK, Scotland, and Ireland.